Campus Area Farms


Campus Area Farms manages 325 acres on 11 small farms in and around the Cornell Campus that are easily accessible for faculty and students. The different locations offer a variety of soil types, growing conditions and microclimates. Research includes breeding programs on popular food crops, such as tomatoes, small grains, potatoes and pumpkins. Researchers investigate possible genetic improvements that would make these crops more pest and disease resistant, more nutritious and delicious, and better suitable for the fast-changing growing conditions in New York and other comparable climates.

Four large high tunnels protect research corps while extending the growing season. Campus Area Farms also manages and maintains 10 drying ovens that are used to dry research plant material at controlled temperatures – from seeds to biomass. 

Research project highlights

Yellow cucumbers in hightunnel

Cover Crop Breeding & Variety Trials

The Moore Lab conducts cover crop breeding and variety trials of several cover crop species including cereal rye, hairy vetch, winter pea, and crimson clover. Researchers are focused on cover crops adapted to New York state and the Northeastern US, selecting especially for vigorous, winter hardy, early-flowering, and productive varieties. Cover crops are important for sustainable cropping systems and provide many ecosystem services.

Researcher: Virginia Moore

Weed Science Teaching & Research Garden

Cornell’s Weed Science Teaching Garden features more than 100 of the Northeast’s most tenacious, and often frustrating plants know to farmers and gardeners, some reducing yields or spreading crop diseases. But sometimes weeds can also help restore depleted soil. While some are poisonous to humans or animals, others are not only safe to eat, but tasty and nutritious. The weed garden serves Cornell’s students from several majors, scientists, and agricultural professionals alike. It is open to the public.

Researcher: Antonio DiTommaso

Eggplant & Tomato Improvement Program

The vegetable improvement program uses unheated high tunnels at this farm for their variety testing and breeding program primarily focused on eggplants and cherry tomatoes. New tomato varieties that are now commercially available, include “Yellow Submarine,” “Moonshadow” and many others. 

Researcher: Phillip Griffiths

Small Grains Breeding & Genetics Program

The Small Grains Breeding & Genetics Research Program identifies superior genetic information in small grains such as oats, wheat, rye and barley. It aims to improve yield, nutritional quality, disease resistance, and other characteristics that increase the crop value and production efficiency. 

Researcher: Mark Sorrells

Curcubit Breeding Project

The cucurbit breeding project produces cucumber, melon and squash varieties, as well as peppers for disease resistance, superior flavor and adaptation to the Northeaster US. This project is working with the Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative, which aims to develop and deliver improved vegetables varieties selected for superior performance in organic growing systems. 

Researcher: Michael Mazourek

Potato Breeding Project

Another breeding project develops new potato varieties adapted to the Northeast that meet the ever-changing needs of the regional potato industry. Releases include 'Marcy', a high-yielding cultivar designed for making potato chips, 'Adirondack Red', a red-skinned, red-fleshed specialty variety, and 'Lehigh', a widely-adapted, scab-resistant, yellow-flesh line. Researcher: Walter De Jong

Small Fruit Research Project

The Small Fruit Research Project is focused on developing sustainable production methods for berry crops. Unheated high and low tunnels are used to produce tender crops in colder climates, and to extend the season for strawberries and raspberries. This program also develops and tests agricultural practices that reduce damage from pests and manage weeds without the use of pesticides or herbicides. 

Researcher: Marvin Pritts

New York State Hemlock Initiative

As part of the New York State Hemlock Initiative researchers are testing new biocontrol strategies on a plantation at Campus Area Farms with hundreds of young hemlock trees, for their effectiveness to combat hemlock woolly adelgid – an invasive insect pest now killing hemlocks all over New York state. Hemlocks are a foundation species that creates a unique habitat for a myriad of species, and protects gorges and watersheds. Finding effective biocontrol methods fast is essential for the survival of these giant trees and the species that depend on them. 

Researcher: Mark Whitmore

Crops of the World Garden

This teaching garden features diverse and important food crops from around the world. You can find widely known grains there, such as corn, wheat, and rice, and grains less common in the Northeast, like sorghum, millet, quinoa, and amaranth. Tropical crops such as banana and coffee are close to sugarcane and stevia. Also on display are grain legumes, including chickpea, lablab, and mung bean. The “three sisters” bed displays early Indigenous American polyculture: corn, bean, and squash are planted together in such a way that each plant can benefit from the others. 

The garden is located at Campus Area Farms’ Caldwell Field on the Cornell campus in Ithaca, NY, and is open to the public from dawn to dusk. It is maintained by the Soil & Crop Sciences Section in the School of Integrative Plant Science.  

Researcher: Antonio DiTommaso


Campus Area Farms Staff

Gene Sczepanski

Farm Supervisor, Campus Area Farms

Cornell AES

Gene Sczepanski
Tom Edwards

Field Assistant, Campus Area Farms

Cornell AES

Tom Edwards
Lucas Thomas

Mechanic, Campus Area Farms

Cornell AES

Lucas Thomas
Luke Huizinga

Field Assistant, Campus Area Farms

Cornell AES

Luke Huizinga